My listing is not showing up in search results

Level 1
Carlow, Ireland

My listing is not showing up in search results

My listing is still now showing up unless I actually search for it directly.


If you type in "Bagenalstown" (co.carlow), my listing never shows up on maps or search.


Any ideas?




(Mattys pub apartment - bagenasltown, co.carlow).

I have got over 20 bookings for other sites all ready, only listed 3 weeks and not one from airbnb.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

I found your listing on the first page, .  I used the correct criteria and narrowed down the location.  Use the following link if you want:


Please consider changing your breakfast amenity to avoid complaints and negative reviews.  You are charging for the breakfast items but including it as one of your amenities.  Usually guests expect that if the amenity is listed it is included in the nightly rate.