New Listing - No Action

Level 5
Los Angeles, CA

New Listing - No Action

I know this is a tired old story but I'm feeling very discouraged as a new host. My listing can't be found by anyone. Only bookings we have had are from people I sent the link to directly. I believe we have all settings optimized for us to be at least competitive. Granted there are a ton of listings in Venice, but it's also a highly desireable destination. Our pricing is rock bottom too bc we're new. I'v read a ton of the threads and there seems to be a lot of people experienceing this problem. As an example I searched (logged out) for a place in Venice with all filters set to include us and we don't show up, nor on the map at all. I went live last Thursday, perhaps it's too soon.


Would be super grateful for any help or insight.


Thank you!

14 Replies 14
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Tracey---Bryan0,


As long as this link: Direct Search does not give a result, your listing can not be found by anybody.

Maybe wait another 24 hours. 

Best regards, Emiel

Thank you. It's not on the map in that search mode. I'll try tomorrow.

Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

Hi @Tracey---Bryan0

See if it comes up on this search, click the link below and scroll down to "my question is about something else". Click it and then click "hosting". Select "manage listing" and "finding my listing in search results" then click the red button. It should show your listing and its map position.

Thank you Jeff, I don't seem to see these specific options when I click from my end. All of the options just eventually take me to the "Message Us or Call Us" page. No options to find my listing.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

 Hello @Tracey---Bryan0 ,

If it worked, you would have end up on the same link I allready mentioned above,  @Jeff158 's suggestion is just an alternate route to the same destination...

Thank you both again, really appreciate the help. @Emiel1 Your link takes me to a generic search page for listings and @Jeff158 's takes me to the contact airbnb page. I'm pretty tech savy and perhaps the US site is different somehow. I really don't know. I notice when I search through 17 pages of listings for Venice, with no filters applied at all, a few have a "NEW" badge. Wonder how one gets that? For now I feel invisible. 

Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

 Every new listing gets the "NEW" badge for a while @Tracey---Bryan0

I've searched every way I know and its not appearing.

The airbnb website is very clever and will delist properties that try to point people to your address and I'm wondering if the cookies picked up the "ROSE AVENUE" in your listing title and delisted you. I can't see any other listings with the street address in the title.

I think you need to contact airbnb +1-415-800-5959 or +1-855-424-7262 (toll-free) or twitter

Step 1: Log into Twitter

Step 2: Search for @Airbnbhelp and choose "Follow" them.

Step 3: Send a Direct Message (DM) explaining your issue and wait for their response.  They may ask for information such as your listing but always provide it over DM so it is not public.

Just got off the phone with them and they are looking into it. Crossing my fingers they will find something and call back.


Interesting idea about the title. We have some tweaks to make to the title and text but I have been hesitant to keep changing things because it's not findable in search yet. Didn't want to hinder the process.


There seems to be so many theories about how to be found and how the search works. I wish Airbnb was more clear and forthright about the new listing process, how long it takes, and what to expect, etc. Feel like they would save themselves a lot of phone calls from stressed out hosts.


So thankful for your help.

I was on hold for a long time but was able to speak with someone from ABB last night. She was unable to find the listing as well despite trying all the search filters and tricks she knew.


Finally we discovered that on our listing there was no actual number set for maximum number of nights, it was simply blank. As soon as I fixed that, we literally got a dozen or so inquiries and bookngs.


So relieved, and now on to other challenges 🙂


Thank you for all of your suggestions and help. Really appreciate it.


Hopefully this thread helps someone else.


Level 5
Los Angeles, CA

@Jeff158 and @Emiel1


I was on hold yesterday for a long time but was able to connect with someone from ABB. She was unable to find the listing as well despite trying all the search filters and tricks she knew.


Finally we discovered that on our listing there was no actual number set for maximum number of nights, it was simply blank. As soon as I fixed that, we literally got a dozen or so inquiries and bookngs.


So relieved, and now on to other challenges 🙂


Thank you for all of your suggestions and help. Really appreciate it.


Hopefully this thread helps someone else.


Level 2
Vesuvius, VA

My listing is not showing up after 3 weeks of trying to get it published.  I went to the online help and did the drop down subjects and I received a message that it was listed, but when I clicked on find my listing it still isn't showing.

Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

@Georgia69 unfortunately you are going to have to contact them again, your profile hasn't got an airbnb account connected to it, all i get is "Oops we can't find the page you are looking for".

Way's to contact airbnb are in the link below.


I have tried contacting them every way I can think of.  I called again this morning and was told that it was apparently a technical issue, and they were sending it to the department that can handle it and mark it as "urgent".  I asked what I was supposed to do if I don't hear from anyone in the next couple of days, and I was told to just call back.  Which is what I've been doing.  Frustrated!  How do they stay in business without properly responding to people wanting to do business with them?

 Hi Georgia, super frustrating I know. As mentioned above by @Jeff158, when I try to go just your own profile page, not even your listing, there is no page, just an error. So if your profile isn't up and running, your listing won't be. I would recommend (if you havn't already) going through every single page, verification, detail, etc. of your profile and listing to make sure everything is fillled in right. For me it was one tiny detail I missed that was messing everything up. 


Good luck!