Nightly rates

Level 1
Norwich, CT

Nightly rates

I want to book a place for a couple weeks. My first night will be April 2, check in after 3PM.....and then will be checking out the morning (check out is Noon) on April 13.   I would think my reservation would be  April 2-12 because I am not going to be there a whole day on the why am I going to be required to actually pay for the 13th??   If I stay at a regular hotel, I check in on the 2nd...and check out on the 13, thus not being charged for the I wrong...can anyone clarify this for me please...Thank you....

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Linda1199,


The check in and check out on Airbnb works like it does for a hotel so you must specify April 2-13.

You enter a checkin date, in your case the 2nd of April, and then you're asked to enter a checkout date, in your case the 13th of April.


It can be a little confusing as accommodation providers like Airbnb and hotels work on nights rather than days. So you really pay for the night of a date rather than the day of the date.


Just like in a hotel, when you set the reservation to be April 2-13, you won't be charged for the 13th as you'll be leaving at or before the noon checkout time on the 13th. If you set the reservation as April 2-12 the host will require you to leave on the morning of the 12th as you won't have paid for the night of the 12th.

