Outside of Airbnb website , advertising

Level 1
El Dorado, AR

Outside of Airbnb website , advertising

A local magazine wants to show and do a story on my airbnb rental property.

Is there any copyright policy that would prohibit this advertising?

Thank you,


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


At this moment I do not see an active listing in your profile !

Allthough there is one on your homepage:


(I suggest to upload a cover photo on the homepage, making it more attractive)


I think for copyright information you should consult the terms.

(link is at bottom of this page under "company")

Or ask Airbnb to be sure.


Best regards,


Level 10
Florence, Canada

I agree with @Emiel1 about researching and asking, @Kimberly303, even though I only looked at the terms and did not ask, myself. Nothing bad has happened, and my place has been the subject of four or five newspaper and magazine articles in Canada, the US, and Japan. No Airbnb logos were used - or harmed 🙂 - in the stories, but Airbnb was mentioned.