Performance: Visibility Section

Level 2
Houston, TX

Performance: Visibility Section

I'm completely confused as to how to interpret and take action on the information in the Visibility section of the Performance tab.  All I can tell is that I am significantly under the average and in some cases -98% which sounds extreme but have no idea what it actually means or what I need to do to improve my metrics.  Has anyone cracked this code?  I need a guide on what all these metrics are and what to do to improve.




8 Replies 8
Level 9
Calgary, Canada

I, to am in the dark on this one. Can anyone shed some light/insight?

Level 10
Orono, ME

@Ehab1@Corliss2 , that makes three of us .... 

Level 10
New York, NY

@Ehab1 @Corliss2 @Emilia42 I don't know that I've cracked the code, but I think the most important factor is that little line under the graph:  "Based on trip date."


In the upper-right part of the page, you will see that the date range is from today to one month from today.  You can change it to from today to three months from today.  But that's the maximum.


Here is a screenshot where I changed the dates to 4/10/19-7/10/19.  You will see that the red line showing views goes cheerfully along until 7/1/19, then flattens out.  That's because this listing is booked for the 4th of July weekend.  So guests searching for those dates would not have seen my listing.


For those of us who are booked more in advance than others, this isn't very helpful.  Most of my bookings don't even start until July 1st, so it wasn't very helpful until this week.

Screenshot 2019-04-10 15.45.40.png

Level 2
Plano, TX

Hello @Ehab1, thanks for kicking off this discussion.


The new performance tab (visiblity) is not very intuitive or self-explanatory. I wish AirBnB provided a video or explanation document as to what the data is showing and means. 


While the old Stats tab was always a bit slow (took a few days) to update, at least I could tell on a given day how many views my listing had. At least in a backward looking view, I could see how any adjustments I made to my listing might have affected views.


Now, like others, I'm baffled.


As @Ann72 indicates, its a forward looking look at (1) how many times your listing shows up on 1st page (mine is well over 500 impressions each day from today (Apr 19 till end of April), then tails down gradually for the next month, but still over 400/day. According to market average line, my listing has at least 5x greater visiblity than market average. So what does this really mean? Further, do I really believe my listing garnered over 500 impressions each day??? Amazing!


The Listing Page view is equally baffling. It shows over 75 listing page views each day. Again 4-5x higher than market average. Its hard to imagine, my actual listing is being viewed over 75x per day. On the old Stats data, a unusually high day as 15-20, with most below 7-8 (I'm assuming this listing page view is similar to the old Stats daily listing view)???


Right now, I get no value from this new Performance - Visibility tab. Hopefully, some education from the AirBnB team will help us all.



Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia




Find details about the number of guests looking at your listings. Includes:

  • The number of times your listing is shown in search results (first page impressions) with comparison to market averages
  • Listings’ views over a specific time period, with comparison to market averages
  • The number of guests who click on a listing that appears in the first page of a search
  • Click-through rate (CTR), or the number of clicks per first page impression ( isn't this the same as above???)
  • View to contact and contact to book rates

Level 1
Murfreesboro, TN

I like the comments that @Ann72 and @Grant61 made, I was well under performing the market average, and I'm glad to know that it just has to do with being booked already, and to Grant's point a Full tutorial on this would be very helpful. Below is the Visibility section from the link that @Ehab1 provided, and while it is helpful in understanding the graph it really doesn't give me any insight into how visibility has changed over time the way that the simple graph does. 


Is there a way to view the Old Visibility graph and still keep pro-tools?


Find details about the number of guests looking at your listings. Includes:

  • The number of times your listing is shown in search results (first page impressions) with comparison to market averages
  • Listings’ views over a specific time period, with comparison to market averages
  • The number of guests who click on a listing that appears in the first page of a search
  • Click-through rate (CTR), or the number of clicks per first page impression
  • View to contact and contact to book rates
Level 2
Berlin, Germany

I continue to be absolutely baffled by
a) the weakness of the Airbnb UX IN GENERAL and
b) the inability of the Airbnb product team to provide explanations/manuals/tutorials on their horrific UX design


And if you think the English-language UX is bad - try working with the German language pages... It's as if translations came directly from automatic translations.

Isn't anyone at Airbnb reading these posts??? Why not respond with a little empathy and maybe a simple link to help customers?

Level 1
England, United Kingdom

Hi ,


I found the professional hosting tools very confusing, you can opt out  by going to your account settings go to the professional hosting and you click through to leave the professional hosting tools. Hope this helps