
Level 1
Grand Junction, CO


How do I know if my pre approval made it to someone that was interested

Top Answer
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Sara606,


If you go to your reservations you'll see that the status of the reservation says something like "pre-approval sent".

When you pre-approve a potential guest they get a notification and / or an email signalling the pre-approval.

There's no read or delivery receipt sent to the host to indicate that the guest has actually read the pre-approval notification.


It's then completely up to the guest whether they book, send a message with further questions or simply ignore the pre-approval.

If they ignore it then you'll get a message 24 hours later saying that the pre-approval has expired.


Guests often shop around by enquiring from more than one host so they may get pre-approvals from several hosts.



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17 Replies 17
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Sara606,


If you go to your reservations you'll see that the status of the reservation says something like "pre-approval sent".

When you pre-approve a potential guest they get a notification and / or an email signalling the pre-approval.

There's no read or delivery receipt sent to the host to indicate that the guest has actually read the pre-approval notification.


It's then completely up to the guest whether they book, send a message with further questions or simply ignore the pre-approval.

If they ignore it then you'll get a message 24 hours later saying that the pre-approval has expired.


Guests often shop around by enquiring from more than one host so they may get pre-approvals from several hosts.



Hi Steve, I was wondering if you might know the answer to this question:


I have instant booking turned on but every now and then I get a preapproval request. Do you happen to know why I get them sometimes? I have noticed sometimes it happens if they don't have their ID uploaded because I have that set as a requirement. But I get them sometimes when they have their ID verified.  I am wondering if it has to do with the age of the booker?



Elizabeth they send the pre-approval when as you noticed they are not verified per your rules and can not instant book. If you request other hosts recommended them or if they are over your limit guest wise they can not book. Anything in your settings or rules they do not meet will not let them instant book without your pre-approval. So carefully review the request to book before pre-approving it. 

Hi Letitia, 

Thanks! Do you know if Airbnb lets people under 21 book? It seems like I always get a preapproval when they tell me they are 19 or something. Do you know if Airbnb has an age policy or if they let people book who are under 18?

They must be 18 to book on AirBnB.

I want to be able to pre-approve before getting my guest


@Hywel1, do you mean you want guests to be able to book without asking for your approval?


If so, then turn on "Instant Book" for your listing.


 we Hi Mathew thanks for the info we are a bit new at this but have now got it sorted.

Level 1
Santa Ana, CA

How can I approve before my guests book?

Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom


Switch off instant booking and everyone will have to send you a reservation request.

Level 1
Granger, IN

I had my home booked without a pre-approval. How did this happen?

@Tricia112  The only way this can happen is that you have Instant Booking on. Check your settings.

I'm brand new to this-just listed yesterday and got my first person ask a question. I got a pre-approval request, but can't see anything about the person, just a first name. How can I check them out?

@Boyd11  Click on the circle with the letter in it to the left of the Inquiry message. That should take you to their profile page- you won't be able to see a photo, but if they have anything written in their profile or any reviews, you'll see them there.

BTW, you can ignore the proddings from Airbnb to pre-approve an inquiry. Just sending a message back to the guest within 24 hours is sufficient-you won't incur any penalties. Not so with a booking request- you have to Accept or Decline withn 24 hours or it will effect your response rate.