I hope people are able to assist. I will declare outright that, as a host, I am not a big fan of the Airbnb website as I feel it works better for travellers than for hosts and all of the problems I have experienced in the past with it have either been resolved or I have worked round but now I have 2 issues I can't resolve:
1. I need to decline a reservation request but the site won't allow me to do this. I can select 'Decline' on the dashboard enquiry which then goes to the 'Reasons for declining' box which will not allow me to select the 'Decline' button again so, despite having sent a message to the prospective guest and having blocked our calendar, the request remains live.
2. The 'Availability Settings' option won't scroll down when I try and update my calendar so I can't use the options at the base of the page.
Any thoughts / suggestions would be greatfully appreciated.