Rates Query?

Level 1
Kokstad, South Africa

Rates Query?

Hello ~ I have had an enquiry for a booking for our cottage for December/January over the holiday period [prime season]. I have set the nightly rates on our property according to seasonal demand. The guest's query is about the rate first shown on airbnb = current for February versus the rate for December:


"And secondly the advertised rate on airbnb for your place comes up as £36 a night ( I'm booking from the uk so they only show pounds) but the pre approval booking comes up at around £66 a night. I just wanted to ask why there was such an increase?"


When booking are guests able to see the nightly rates on a property for the time period of their stay or only the current month?



4 Replies 4
Level 10
New York, NY

Hi @Therese2


Kindly explain to your guest that price is your base rate, and your price increase as the local demand increase...

If you lower your price to meet your guest demand is up to you... But I would not lower the price for a guest  making such demand, trouble before the reservation starts...



Hello Luis,

Thanks for your advice ~ yes I have told the guest that the rates are seasonal and pegged on demand. I won't be changing the rate as this is peak time ~ and I agree warning alarm is already been activated ~ although it would be good to have the property booked this is still several months ahead.


@Therese2 I have the same problem too.  My price listed on the search page is lower than what I will be charging for the summer months. What I have done is insert language into my detailed description that tells guests to be sure to check the price for the dates they want as prices vary during the year.  I wish Airbnb would post a range of prices to include high season rates, but, alas, whoever is developing the software for pricing obviously is not a host!

Level 1
Kokstad, South Africa

@Clare0 thanks for the tip I have replied to the guest explaining seasonal changes to demand and pricing. I will certainly also put wording into the detailed description to avoid further future confusion as you suggest.