
Level 2
Dover, FL


We are renting out rooms at our retreat center when no retreats are taking place.


My question is with the pricing.  On MY end I have a room listed for $25 but on AirBnB side it says $41 


I understand they charge a percentage but that is a big percentage of an increase.  I read somewhere that they charge a 3% currency conversion also.


Here's my situation that's confusing for me the most.  My listings are here in Costa Rica BUT my bank and prices are in dollars.  So there shouldn't be any conversion fees other than if they converted to another currency.


Any ideas???

1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

You asked for ideas from the host community, but remember if you think there is a glitch in the system, you must contact Air BNB.  I confirmed that your daily rate is $25 dollars for a room that can have 3 guests, but your "extra guest" fee of $15 is applied after the first two guests.  Therefore if there is a booking for 3, the rate is $40 plus fees. Might be something to look into.  BTW, no cleaning fee?  Just asking...