I have a question. My country requires to send a receipt to AirBnb for money that I received from bookings.
Any information as to where can I send the receipt to AirBnb to? Why to AirBnb and not guest itself... Because I receive money from airbnb, right? Or am I missing something here...?
Are you sure about this? When you sell something on eBay are you required to send eBay a receipt? I doubt you are because it wasn't eBay that bought your services it was the buyer, who used eBay as a way to buy the item you had to sell.
You are selling your wares via a site that enabled you to connect with your customer( your guest). They are the ones who need a receipt and Airbnb handles that on your behalf. Airbnb charges you a service fee for handling this process for you and for allowing you to list on its website. They're still not your customer though... Your guest is! Airbnb are merely a third party.
You also get your own remittance receipt (under your account, payments) for your own records which you can print as needed. You can also access the customers bill via their reservation.
You don't need to send any paperwork to anyone, it's already dealt with.