Recent change to guest review ratings

Level 4
United Kingdom

Recent change to guest review ratings

In last few weeks Airbnb has changed the guest review so guests no longer have to fill out a rating for the individual items like accuracy, check in etc. 


All our recent reviews still have an overall rating of 5, but individual ratings are shown as 0 even though Customer Services tell me that the guest did not complete those fields, so should be shown as blank. CS have promised in writing that this does not affect where we are ranking in searches.


I only found this out after two calls to CS. The first agent told me it was a system glitch while the second explained the above. Apparently and unsurprisingly, they have had a large number of calls from hosts on this. 


It it may be a coincidence, but I have notice a drop in enquires and bookings since this changed. Has anyone else had any experience of this?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Barbara-and-Mike0 this happens from long time ago, it is not new. I have had some guests leave out certain categories since I started hosting and I have read many similar threads here. I don't feel like it affects anything at least in my property.