Reservations from booking increased while from Airbnb went zero

Reservations from booking increased while from Airbnb went zero

I am trying to understand why despite that I get several reservations from Booking this year, I have not received almost any from Airbnb. I am a superhost, with a 4.9 score and my price is similar on both platforms. Also, last year the reservations form Airbnb were almost equal.

As I am hosting my own vacation apartment as an extra income, Airbnb's model is more suitable to me and I would really like to be able to work much more with this platform.


I would greatly appreciate any advice on what I may be missing.



1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom


Is your price the same on both platforms or is the amount the guest pays the same? As I understand it booking charges you approx 20% but airbnb charges you 3% and the guest 16%approx.

If the price is 100/night then booking customers pay 100 but airbnb 116 which would explain why people book through booking.