

How can I get help from Airbnb from a suspected scam? I tried to cancel a last-minute reservation on the arrival date, and nothing happened after the "escalation." Now I have been paid for a stay I cancelled, the guest is angry, and the whole thing still looks like a scam. She couldn't bring a photo id and the credit card she paid with. I can't pay her account back unless i pay directly from my own  credit card.  We got scammed by this a few years ago, and the stolen credit card we'd been paid with didn't get discovered for 3 months.


How do I get a human involved?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Sorry about maybe misreading your post, but I do not understand the issue. Payments/payouts are processed by Airbnb. So why the hassle with credit cards ?


Ways to contact Airbnb (but can be tough these days):

Contact Airbnb - Community Guide [Updated]