
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Security Deposit Changes

Level 10
Philadelphia, PA

Security Deposit Changes

Since the forum search function is practically useless, I apologize if this is a duplicative post.  I got an email from Airbnb saying there would be changes to security deposits, but it basically included no information.  Is there any more official policy guidance on this?  People on facebook forums are saying that Airbnb is going to apply a minimum security deposit now whether hosts set one up or not, but I haven't been able to find any backup for that.  It's also not clear how this is going to work with international guests.


We're assuming that this is Airbnb's attempt to stop getting stuck with the bill when guests cause damage but don't have any more available money on their payment method, and I get this.  We have problems with last minute low priced bookings from local guests, and my guess is this will help with that problem, but at the same time, do they expect guests paying $50 for a night to have a hold on their credit card for $200?  


The email says that the security deposit hold will be charged 48 hours before check in, and that the booking may be cancelled 36 hours before check in if the hold doesn't go through.  However, this seems INSANE - they're going to cancel bookings a day and a half before check in?  What about bookings made less than 48 hours before check in?  International guests with long travel itineraries could be enroute and arrive to discover their booking cancelled - that's going to *seriously* undermine use of the platform.  Do hosts get paid out if a booking is cancelled the day before check in because the security deposit hold doesn't go through?


I hope there's an Airbnb employee on here who can address some of these questions and pass up the chain that this change has been SUPER poorly communicated.  For an app that allows hosts and guests to rate each other on communication, it's a little ironic.  


Has anyone else gotten concrete information on this change that they can share here?  (Not rumors from Facebook or Reddit lol, actual policy info from Airbnb.)

Top Answer
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Sarah-and-Alex0 


I find the search function works quite well on here; here's a post discussion the pilot.


I can understand your concerns about last minute cancellations if a guest doesn't pay their deposit.


This is a community forum made up of hosts and guests and isn't monitored by Airbnb, but why not give tAirbnb and see what they say?

Do come back and update us.



View Top Answer in original post

19 Replies 19
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Sarah-and-Alex0 


I find the search function works quite well on here; here's a post discussion the pilot.


I can understand your concerns about last minute cancellations if a guest doesn't pay their deposit.


This is a community forum made up of hosts and guests and isn't monitored by Airbnb, but why not give tAirbnb and see what they say?

Do come back and update us.



Hi @Helen0 glad it worked better for you!  I couldn't get it to yield a list of responses, just kept getting routed to threads from years past.  Thanks for that link, and we're in chat with a rep who sounded totally unaware of the change, so I'm not optimistic about getting much clarification, but we'll update if he has anything useful for us. 

Level 3
London, United Kingdom

Hi Sarah and Alex, I agree that the email received from AirBnB is not at all clear about the process of how this is going to work.

In addition, I am puzzled about how AirBnB will apply a security deposit, if I have not set one myself.

It would be great if AirBnB could provide clarification on your very valid questions as well as an indication of the security deposit amount if they set it on the host's behalf.

Thank you for bringing this to the Community's attention.

Henriette (London host)

@Henriette4 The link that Helen posted above goes to a much more useful thread that I wish I'd been able to find before posting haha, but it sounds like Airbnb is going to be choosing who to apply this policy to - seems like a recipe for a race-based lawsuit against Airbnb, but if it's aimed at last minute bookings from accounts with no reviews and few verifications, or guests who've had a claim made against them in the past, that actually seems like it could solve a lot of the problems we've been having with last minute local guests who smoke, steal, sneak people in, and otherwise cause problems.  It's just weird because the host who started the other thread got a totally different email than the one I got (and his contained actual information hahaha).  

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I think this is one of Airbnb's pilots they are testing @Sarah-and-Alex0 


Here in Bristol I haven't had an email about this.


Maybe they are trialling it in some of the larger cities. 


Glad I was able to help with the search function (I do lots of online research as part of my day job, so perhaps it's easier for me to think of the right search terms).

Level 3
Johannesburg, South Africa

I have just received an email notification regarding the Security Deposit changes and it includes the statement: "Because one or more of your listings require a security deposit, please review the amount you require.". I have never asked for a security deposit so immediately went in to check if I had ticked a box accidentally. My check confirmed that I hadn't.  So I wonder why I am now requiring one?

Can anyone cast any light on this?


Level 10
Philadelphia, PA

I'm also going to post this in the thread that Helen linked to, but we just had a conversation with a rep who did everything possible to avoid providing a straight answer - and the answer provided doesn't make a ton of sense / is inconsistent with what other hosts are saying.  Seemed worth sharing just to add to the record of conflicting info hahaha. 


APRIL 11, 2019
Airbnb Support
11:26 AM
Good Day Sarah & Alex H! This is Jhon from Airbnb, I received a call from the number registered on the account. However I got no response when I received the call.

I tried calling back but I was routed to your voicemail. I would like to ask on what assistance you would like Airbnb to do for you.

Feel free to call us back or respond on this message for further assistance.



Sarah & Alex
11:28 AM
Hi, thanks for getting back to us!
sorry my connection to the phone is not great
I wanted to ask you about the change to the security deposits
i got an email saying that AirBnb will now be authorizing the security deposits on the guests payment method
I also saw at the bottom of the email: Note: If a security deposit hold can’t be authorized, the reservation will be subject to cancellation up to 36 hours before check-in. While Airbnb-required deposits are intended to protect our community, we are not responsible for failure to apply a deposit in any case where one may have been advisable


Airbnb Support
11:30 AM
Can I offer call back so that we can discuss this over the phone ? or you preferred here in the messages ?


Sarah & Alex
11:30 AM
actually, I think this may be easier


Airbnb Support
11:31 AM
Understood. So base on my understanding you would like to change the amount of the security deposit in your listing ?


Sarah & Alex
11:31 AM
my question is - if the guest books today for a reservation two weeks from now - when is the security deposit charged?
48 hrs before the booking starts?


Airbnb Support
11:31 AM
Allow me to check it for you. I will check my resources..
When did you receive the email about the security deposits?


Sarah & Alex
11:32 AM
Wed 4/10/2019 8:20 PM
Subject: Update about security deposits


Airbnb Support
11:33 AM
Thanks, I will go ahead and check this for you.
I will get back to you on this, I will be sending another message due to I will be checking this with my support. Give me 5-10 minutes. Thanks


Sarah & Alex
11:35 AM


Airbnb Support
11:58 AM
Sorry, I am on a call right now. I will give my answer to you after this call, but I already have an answer.


Airbnb Support
12:25 PM
Apologies for the late response,. I just finished my call. You can go ahead and update your security deposit. Once a guest attempts to make a booking with an Security deposit applied, their card will be charged for the amount of the reservation and security deposit amount will authorized for the amount specified by the Security deposit sometime before the reservation begins. Airbnb’s payment system will continue to authorize the amount on the card until the reservation has begun. Once the reservation is over the amount will be released back to the guest card and we will handle any Resolution Center claims normally. In the event that you figured out that there are damages you still need to file a claim using our Resolution Center.


Sarah & Alex
12:32 PM
Thank you for your response. We are confused by this part: "Once a guest attempts to make a booking with an Security deposit applied, their card will be charged for the amount of the reservation and security deposit amount will authorized for the amount specified by the Security deposit sometime before the reservation begins."
Guests ask us how security deposits work, so we need an accurate answer for them - they will get very angry if they book for July and we say "Some time between April and July, you will be charged $350"


Airbnb Support
12:33 PM
Just to clarify things. We will charge the credit card of the guest for the security deposit. We will hold it until the reservation is completed. Once the reservation is complete we will release back to them the security deposit.


Sarah & Alex
12:33 PM
Please advise exactly when the security deposit will be charged and under what circumstances (people in the community forums are saying that this will not apply to all bookings).
Yes, but when will the credit card of the guest be charged for the security deposit?


Airbnb Support
12:34 PM
Once the guest completed the reservation. We will charge their credit card for the total cost of reservation and Security deposit.


Sarah & Alex
12:37 PM
So to clarify the guest will be charged for the cost of the reservation and the security deposit at the time of booking. For example if I am a guest and make a booking today April 11th for April 20th - today I will be charged for the cost of the booking and the security deposit
is this correct?


Airbnb Support
12:38 PM
Yes, We will hold the security deposit until the reservation is completed. Once the reservation is over we will release the security deposit back to you.


Sarah & Alex
12:44 PM
Hi, I'm sorry but I think we are not connecting on what our question is. We will rephrase.
If I make a booking today (April 11th) for a visit on April 20th (check in April 20th), on what date is the security deposit charged to my credit card?


Airbnb Support
12:45 PM
Today as well.


Sarah & Alex
12:48 PM
So for all bookings, the security deposit for the listing will be charged the day the guest makes the booking, and the security deposit will be held until after check out. Is this correct?


Airbnb Support
12:52 PM
Yes, however not all bookings will require the guest to pay the security deposit. It is random and the only time guest will be charged for the security deposit if the guest see on the booking path that says Airbnb may require a security deposit.


Sarah & Alex
12:55 PM
So it is random - the guest will not know about this until they try to book?


Airbnb Support
12:55 PM


Sarah & Alex
12:58 PM
OK. Do I have your permission to post this conversation on the Airbnb Community Center Help forum? There are many hosts who need more information about this issue.


Airbnb Support
12:59 PM
Go ahead. We are also starting sending the emails to other Host about this.


Sarah & Alex
1:00 PM
OK thanks.


Airbnb Support
1:01 PM
No worries, Anything else that I can do for you ?


Sarah & Alex
1:03 PM
Please do not close this chat, we are still trying to understand exactly how these changes will work and we may have additional questions.


Airbnb Support
1:15 PM
Sure, I will remain this open for the next two days. Just shoot me a message so that I can respond to you.


Sarah & Alex
1:20 PM
Great, thank you!

1. Airbnb has reduced its support level, and now using less qualified persons in order to save on costs. Any difficult question, the rep will put you on hold and go check with someone more senior

2. The security deposit is not charged. It is done by placing a “hold”, like hotels and car rental. And should be removed 14 days after checkout, to allow host to make a claim

3. Airbnb is testing this feature, as they don’t want to reduce the number of booking, and so they will monitor how guests react and how many guests drop the booking, before implementing it across the platform. Right now damages are paid from host guarantee and eating into airbnb profits

Clear as mud

I am finding that this is not the case. I’m learning that Airbnb DOES NOT actually do a hold at all, even if you have a security deposit listed. I find it misleading and borderline fraudulent that they call it a deposit, yet it’s not even held. 


We currently are in the resolution process for a guest breaking a house rule. We clearly have it posted all over our listing that we have a zero tolerance for marijuana/cannabis in our home and garage. While We have no issue with it’s legal use, we only permit it outside only. 


A recent guest brought a large amount of marijuana into the home. The new carpet was littered with buds and the house smelled like a skunk had sprayed in the home.


our house rules clearly state a $250

cjaefe will be applied to your security deposit. We also have it listed that by booking our place you agree to all terms and fees should you break the house rules.


we have experienced a similar situation in the past. Airbnb was helpful and billed accordingly and gave us tips and suggestions to make things even more clear and transparent (which we have done). However we are now struggling in this resolution to get Airbnb to uphold the charge against the security deposit, that they don’t actually have. 


Very disppointed in this case and the lack of professionalism Airbnb reps are giving. Luckily it’s the 1st time we have felt this way and are hoping it’s a fluke. 

this is disheartening. I'm new to Airbnb since June. I have a simple question, but it can be hard to get a response from their customer care.


My question is, how do I hold and or charge a security deposit to a guest?


Stating it in my House Rules does not seem adequate.


Any insight you have would be appreciated.

Sigh. This is frustrating how the guests aren't told and the reps are not totally informed. 

This is the dark side of AirBnB. They go on and on about "community" - all friendly and open and sharing - but keep applying new and draconian rules and penalties. Behind that cuddly community is a a big stick. We don't have a security deposit, it's not the way we like to work,  and now AirBnB might choose to impose one without our knowledge or say-so. It's not about trust, it seems to me it's about ensuring AirBnB don't lose money.



Level 3
Lake Country, Canada

The email Airbnb sent out was probably one of the worst emails I've ever received when it comes to TOS/policy updates. Not only was it pathetically vague, but there was no link to a full explanation of the changes. I read the email and was left wondering what the hell the changes were. 


I truly do love Airbnb and the platform, but with the ridiculous changes lately (like the egregious profile photo hiding) and changes to the TOS that forces hosts to come and ask other hosts for help or reach out to support for an actual explanation, is making me consider alternative companies to list on.