I just want to check if other hosts feel the same as me about prices shown in our listings. When we try to adjust the prices Airbnb many times suggets/indicates our price is higher than the average in the area we are located. It is quite irritating! They do that based in the total average of existing listings. However some are 30sqm while others are 150sqm such as ours. The way Airbnb does it - only displaying the raw price price per night - is misleading the guests and the hosts potential bookings. We CANNOT compare a 30sqm with a 150sqm! And I know per fact that, actually some Airbnb us referring as cheaper are actually more expensive if psqm prorata would be used. I sent a feedback to Airbnb about this UNFAIR practice and what I suggest was that Airbnb should put under the raw price per night the price per square meter for each unit. This way the potential guests would judge by themselves what is expensice and what is cheaper. By doing this way, I believe, we will actually find out that the ones they refer as cheaper are actually more expensive and vice-versa.