I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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The guest booked the house about 5 months ago, with a specification of 5 guests. They arrived today at 6 p.m. with the 5 people, and checked in normally; all was fine. About 6 p.m. I passed the house and there were 2 large vans in front, with ramps and there were some motorbikes. There must have been about 20 people on the property. I asked for the host and she said they were having dinner, then going for a ride. I called her an hour later and asked her what the plan was with all the extra people. She said some of them had left, and that the others were going to sleep in their vans there, not in the house. I told her this was a violation of the rental agreement and that only the 5 original people who checked in could stay on the property that night. She said OK, she understood. Now it's an hour later and I have not gone over there to see if the extra cars are still there. Are these extra people considered tresspassers on my property? What are my options at this point?
She is taking serious advantage of you. At 6pm when you drove past is the minute they should have left. Contact Airbnb, turf them out.
OK thank you. I don't understand what that means or how to do it. This is my first year and she is only my 10th booking.
As of 9 p.m., thing have quieted down; the extra cars have left and I assume all the extra people have left, but I have no way of knowing how many people are in the house now. She did tell me on the phone call that she would be checking out at 5:30 a.m., so hopefully I will wake up in the morning and they will be gone and this will all be over with.
You tell them they broke their agreement and they leave now or you call the cops.
OK thank you.
Did they check out and was your place ok?
They left at 5 a.m. without contacting me at all. I happened to be next door at the time and I saw the cars drive away. But it was still dark and I couldn't see the people very well. I'll never know exactly how many people stayed in the house all night, but I suspect it was more than 5. They certainly used a LOT of towels including all the extras.
The house is the messiest that it has ever been since I've been doing this. Lots of my things moved to different locations. Dinner plates in the bedroom. Used condom wrapper and other odd items around the house, coffee spilled on the kitchen counter and left to dry, a plastic folding chair on the back porch is damaged. But other than that chair, no apparent permanent damage. From what I can tell so far, they didn't steal anything. I had just painted the front porch 2 days ago, and now have to repaint half of it due to a bunch of marks on it they made.
I guess I could pursue a claim for the damaged chair, but it is just a cheap folding one and it is only one of the "woven" strips and it looks like it was sliced. What bothers me more is the fact that she allowed so many people into the house who I never agreed to, and used it as a "party house" while my description and terms clearly state it is not for that purpose. They left a huge trash bag on the driveway which seems like too much trash for a 12-hour stay. They also left a brand new, large bottle of degreaser hand cleaner, almost completely full.
I feel like the tenant was dishonest and disrespectful to me as well as being dirty. I'm just relieved that they are gone.
Make sure you your review reflects what happened in terms of the number of guests on the property, the mess, disrepect etc.
If you don't already have a house rule that says only booked guests can be at the property, then add this in.
The review should be good, let us know what you post.
OK, thank you everyone. I will post the review later on.
You were extremely lucky. Should it happen again and you see the vans or whatever, you know to stop it as soon as you spot the trouble. If you can't, get help.