Taking on the Unfair Review Process

Level 10
Providence, RI

Taking on the Unfair Review Process




I just read a thread that's been revived from 5-25-2017 --  the last page consists of recent posts on this perennial hot-button  topic.


My question for other hosts is: "Have you devised a method for explaining the "Review Process" AirBnB uses so that guests understand that a 4-Star rating in any category is viewed as a negative in the eyes of hosts and AirBnB and that it can negatively impact a host's business?"


I'm a big proponent of using the Saved Message feature to check-in guests and to communicate various aspects of the AirBnB experience. One of my Saved Messages, sent after check-out, is my explanation of the process and is titled, The AirBnB Review Process: in this message I try to explain why it is controversial and how it can impact a host's business


I'm also curious if there has been any formal attempts by hosts to get AirBnB to revise their Review Process so that it is quick, easy and fair for both parties.


There are many ways to do this but simplifying it to GOOD, FAIR, or POOR and then requiring a written explanation for any category that a guest rates poor would go a long way to making the reviews more palatable for many in the AirBnB community.


I'm not looking for other suggestions on how to change the review process -- that could be, should be, another thread -- but rather in this thread to learn if there has been any petitions or formal requests for AirBnB to change the review process.


Or has anyone an idea on how changing the review process could be formally addressed to AirBnB?


Below find the 2017 thread. I often wish that posters would begin a new thread rather than adding on to a thread that is two years old. One can always post a link to the original thread for continuity.


And hats off to the CC for putting in spell-check. Whew, that took long enough.








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