The UX Design is so poor! How do I view the property after contacting the host?

Level 1
San Francisco, CA

The UX Design is so poor! How do I view the property after contacting the host?

This is a major problem I've had with Airbnb, ever since I started using them about 5 years ago. Once you place an inquiry with a host, it is impossible to view the Airbnb through the mobile UX. I have to do a fake search in order to find that listing, which can only be identified via the photo. This is very frustrating and part of the main reason why I seldom use Airbnb. I am surprised this has not yet been fixed. 


Additionally, the website and app take forever to load. I understand 3 seconds, and I can understand 5 seconds, but 10+ more seconds? 


Any help or suggestions? 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Debbie466  I'm not clear what you mean by "view the property". If you've sent an inquiry to the host, you obviously have access to their listing, the photos they've posted, and all their listing info. If you mean you want to know the exact location of the house, or see a photo of the front of the house, most hosts won't reveal that except to guests with a confirmed booking, and often not until a few days before check-in date as it's a security risk for hosts. A host telling you the cross-streets, or "I'm a block from XX park" should give you a accurate idea if the place is in an area you want to be.

No, clearly that's easy to use and see. 

What I am referring to is the Inbox UX design in the Airbnb app. If you message the host in the inbox, and the host responds to you, there is NO WAY to view the property. For other apps, you can pivot back and forth between the messages with the host and property listing. Try it on the Airbnb app. 

This lack of functionality in the UI makes is nearly impossible to use when you're on the go or viewing multiple properties with the Airbnb app. Essentially, if I'm on vacation or traveling without easy access to a Desktop, and only my phone, I will NOT use Airbnb bc it's nearly impossible to book a unit and communicate with the owner simultaneously. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Debbie466  Oh, sorry I misunderstood your issue. I'm not a tech-savvy gal and don't use the app at all. All I cqan suggest is that you contact Airbnb directly to report this issue, making sure to mention that it keeps you from using Airbnb (they hate thinking they're losing money to other platforms). Report it on Twitter, best responses reported there.

Yes, Airbnb platform tech is generally poor, it's been **bleep** about here ad nauseaum. Never experienced a major website, serving millions of customers, that's so seemingly unconcerned with their tech quality.