
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

There is a con artist using airbnb referral links to make money.

Level 1
Las Vegas, NV

There is a con artist using airbnb referral links to make money.

I have here regarding Brittany **. She is a well-known con artist on youtube. Evidence in her own words** where she admits to scamming people. She even had the audacity to advertise more products on a video where she admitted to taking people's money and giving them nothing in return. This is the link she used on her video ** I highly doubt that you want con artists representing your brand and I hope you will take appropriate action in distancing yourself from her. Thank you for your time.


**[Name hidden due to privacy reasons - Community Center Guidelines]



1 Reply 1
Level 2
Huntington Beach, CA

I have had the very same experience but the guy keeps doing it.  He created a Craiglist listing by scraping my text and pics.  He scams the victims for $1500 for a 30 day rental then they show up at my listing and home which is behind the listing looking for "their" cottage.  I know several of the victims have attempted to go to the police but no luck and they are out the $$.  I have spoken to the guy and he doesn't care.  I reported to Craigslist but no reply!


Have you reported to Airbnb?


Good Luck:)