I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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1. First incident happened:- This is the first time the guest booking from Airbnb & his a Law student. Stay for 13 nights. Therefore, we have well prepare to tried our best to explain to the guest about Airbnb system & house rules. And stated all the notes & rules in the unit. But the guest will call us everyday asking about the daily housekeeping issue but we only collect 1 time cleaning fee, which he thought have daily housekeeping. After a few explanation, he still not satisfied & even shouted me in phone just because we told him we don't have daily housekeeping & threaten us that he will spoil my house (and said that i don't have any evidence that he said that before, just because he's law student & he got family is Lawyer). But we still provide the guest complementaries & fresh towels every 3-4days & to keep track that he not spoiling the house in the same times. And we did informed Airbnb to educate the guest about this & Airbnb did follow up. Close case of this. Much appreciate of this.
2. This time the guest make a very big scenario:-
He requested to meet up with the host from my partner, which both of us are the host and he knew it too. By the way, my partner did meet him twice but i didn't meet him before but we spoken in the phone. But he still insist to meet me, the guest reason to meet both hosts is because, he said;"the host MUST meet him because he is the customer, he paid us, therefore we must see him (he spoke in ego tune)". For not getting a BAD REVIEW, we agreed to meet him together.
3. And also we wanna explain to him the house rules again. Because he complained to us that the Air-cond got cold water dripping, so we went to the unit & checked. But we caught in the 5th day of his stay, he ON all the Air-cond & electrical while NOBODY in the unit. We did stated clearly in every switches corner & rules note to OFF the switch while not using the electricity or away.
4. Therefore, we went to meet him. But unexpected he threaten us & lock us in the unit for 45mins & he block in-front of the door. Just because he's not satisfied with the house rules & how Airbnb system run. Then said that his Brother is a Lawyer he knew more then us. Whatever we explained to him is wrong & his right. And he call up his friend come over the unit. That make us so scare & panic plus he call up his friend. We were scare that we might get RAPE or KILL............ while we call the police & i want to go out of the unit to get a better signal he went crazy and refuse to let me out, push me & call up his friend and ask him come over faster ( his height is about 184cm, a big guy & both host is about 152-156cm, petite size). We can't fight with him at all. Therefore, we wait till the polices arrived only we release from the guest.
5. During the incident he spoil our handphone, due to we recording the incident. Can i make claim?
6. Guest threaten to give bad review. How to reply his review?
As a female host i feel insecure, very helpless & still traumatic to the incident 😞
Please give me advice. Your advice is very appreciated & Thank you.
Did you call the police? I think I would have it sounds like he should be arrested rather than bannned from airbnb.
We did call the police. His Mother call up & asked us for a chance. Therefore we did let him go & make a report. But after the few days he still threaten us, he said will give a bad review. This guest never be grateful that we let him go. Btw, local law after 24hours of the incident we can't do anything.
Hello @Wee4
I am sorry you have had such an awful experience. What did Airbnb say when you contacted them about this incident. I hope they have cancelled the guests profile.
You should be keeping all communications on the Airbnb platform by messaging your guest unless there is a true emergency. If the guest called you should have reminded him that all correspondence needs to stay on the airbnb platform so there is a record and asked him to contact you through the platform.
Regardless of the mother's call (why are you accepting a call from her) you should take matters forward with the police and have him prosecuted. He needs to learn that his behaviour is completely unacceptable and he cannot threaten violence.
Why are you continuing to accept calls from this former guest. Block him on your phone, what's app etc.
Message him back through the platform and explain that it is not acceptable for him to threaten you and lock you into your own listing and that you have a police report of the incident and will not communicate with him further.
Please leave a factual honest review of this guest.
You can put a claim through Airbnb for your broken phone.
Please if you have a problem guest, and it is unusual to have one, you should ask Airbnb to cancel the booking if the guest keeps demanding facilities that you haven't offered in your listing, rather than letting him stay.
There is no need for either you or your partner to have met the guest.
He is a violent, bully and I am so sorry you had this experience.
Hi @Helen3 !
Airbnb did call me & asked more info about the incident. They said they will investigate & then close the case after few days. Right now, I still can see his profile 😞
His mother speak to me during the incident, when the police is arrived. His a law student & the brother is a lawyer definitely he knew how to escape. Next time i will be very careful with all the conversations with guest. Thanks for the advice.
Btw, how to claim for the broken phone?
Dear all,
Thanks for your concerns & advices. Especially @Helen3 @Mike-And-Helen0
Airbnb had ban the trouble guest from Airbnb & helping me claim the broken phone.
Thank you very much & God bless!!
Thank you for coming back and letting us know I am glad that Airbnb took decisive action and helped you resolved the issue.
I'm really glad to hear you managed to get this was all sorted out. Thank you for sharing your update @Wee4.
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Hi Wee
I am very happy that you solved this problem.
Provided, that you are in Malaysia, you might experience the guests who will expect daily cleaning service for free and threaten you with the "lawyer".
For that reason alone, I suggest that you accept only short stays, not 13 nights. If it's possible for you, then do it. I wish you happy hosting and Zero problematic guests 😊