Unfair and Untrue Review from host

Level 2
Long Beach, CA

Unfair and Untrue Review from host

I got into an altercation with a host for leaving a bad review because her "cleaning manager" stated that me and my friend left her home "messy".  Her cleaning manager didn't provide any photos just stating that it was left a mess which was not true, so in that instance the owner left a bad review. We cleaned the kitchen and I guess we knocked over a lamp and a crystal because he sat in one of those huge round unstable wooden  chairs and I guess some items fell but nothing out of disrespect. She went on to say we were disrespectful but it was just an accident and I messaged her that. Anyways we cleaned! wash dishes and put our crap away and what the hell is the point of a cleaning fee? did they want to me make the bed, blankets and sweep every nook and cranny?! I just think it's totally unfair to state something and not provide further details or proof. 


The owner did state she wish she would have gotten photos of the place before leaving a bad review and I told her she should have consulted with her guests before doing so. 


Not cool . 

Top Answer
Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Myrna46If the host agrees that she made a mistake with the review, she can call Airbnb and ask to have it removed. Otherwise, you're likely stuck with it. You have the option to leave a response to the review, which I would do in this case to tell your side of the story. Be sure to keep it polite and factual: don't get into he said, she said or say anything negative about the host. State that you did all the dishes and tidied, and you thought that was sufficient based on the instructions that they provided.  


Typically a host wouldn't contact you before leaving a bad review: it would just open then up to receiving a poor review in retaliation. I understand your frustration, but that never happens. 

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11 Replies 11
Level 10
State of Bahia, Brazil

Hi, sorry but that is just not realistic. What should she have said... Hi, I'm giving you a bad review? So you could leave her one as well in retaliation. The cleanning fee is to provide you with a clean acommodation on arrival, and most times don't even cover all the costs for that.


Did you tell her about the things that were broken during your stay, or after she left the review. Did you offer to pay for the things you broke.


If my housekeeper found things broken she would have sent a similar message, and I would have given a bad review as well.







Nothing was broken just a crystal and lamp fell on carpet flooring. 

Level 2
Long Beach, CA

If I would have known something fell I would have obviously picked it up 🙄

Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Myrna46If the host agrees that she made a mistake with the review, she can call Airbnb and ask to have it removed. Otherwise, you're likely stuck with it. You have the option to leave a response to the review, which I would do in this case to tell your side of the story. Be sure to keep it polite and factual: don't get into he said, she said or say anything negative about the host. State that you did all the dishes and tidied, and you thought that was sufficient based on the instructions that they provided.  


Typically a host wouldn't contact you before leaving a bad review: it would just open then up to receiving a poor review in retaliation. I understand your frustration, but that never happens. 

It's my first time dealing with this feedback, I'll make sure this never happens again or deal with it more appropriately next time. This is all a learning experience. 


thanks for the feedback 

It will happen again. I only recently started getting false reviews. I take PICTURES OF EVERYTHING, time stamped.  I have had lies removed but I had the proof. 

Level 1
New Zealand

Our host left a false review about us because she herself had violated a rule of AirBnB of no access on arrival and we had to stay in a hotel on the first night. We gave her a bad review for that because we had to pay $178 for a hotel. She retaliated by making up a story.  I would like AirBnB to check the portal conversation between us because the truth of the matter is there.  Then remove her bad review from our profile. People should not be able to make up stories about guests or hosts. Especially when it can be proven. We should be able to give an honest review without fear of a host making up things about us. I know it is hard to monitor but when the truth is in the portal it should not be too difficult for AirBnB to see she is making a false claim. 

Level 1
Cape Town, ZA

We have a strict cancellation policy. We had a guest who cut short their stay in the height of season (due to some personal drama) and expected us to refund her. When we stuck to our guns, she got angry. When the review came..oh boy, she took us to the cleaners-borderline defamatory, besides being untrue in every respect. When we took this up with Airbnb, they would not remove her review. Our only consolation is that  it appears to be the only obvious thorn in a garden of roses as we have been superhosts for three-and-half years and our reviews are really great. We just feel the whole review platform needs to be "reviewed" itself, as it can very easily be used as a tool of revenge. What are the thoughts out there?

Level 2
Dublin, Ireland

I privately and politely sent a message to our host on our first day of the stay saying it hadn't been cleaned properly. She said she'd look into it. Never got back to me and left us a bad review as guests instead! I purposefully didn't leave them a review because she had said the cleaning was a one off error so didn't want to make a fuss. Any advice? Doesn't seem like guests can respond to negative host reviews? Thanks!

Level 2
Closter, NJ

Hello. If a guest mentions in the narrative of his review that’s at home is very clean but his reading regarding cleanliness does not reflect this. I contacted Airbnb and they said they can’t change anything because there was no violation in their words they said because didn’t use any vulgar language. I knew I wasn’t getting anywhere so I said well you tell me what the incentive is to bust your ass Cleaning when I guessed can arbitrarily say and do anything they want the conversation went silent and I said have a nice day I could really care less about peoples readings and it’s super host crap I just wanted intelligent answer and I didn’t get it has anybody else experienced this

Level 2
Closter, NJ

Oh yes I forgot to mention that the guest said that I have strict rules and that I watch everything they do this was hysterical because I wasn’t here lol