Unreasonable Guest?

Level 1
Baltimore, Canada

Unreasonable Guest?

Hi, we recently had guests for a two nigh stay at out cottage. Unfortunately the first morning there was a water issue as a supply line to our pumps somehow became pinched. Within half an hour we were at the cottage and the issue was fixed. However, the guests were not at the cottage when we were there so we did not enter to flush the taps etc. but instead left them a text message indicting the issue was fixed and to contact us if there was still any problems.


We did not hear from them until the evening, when they said they had left early because of the water issue and also because they were unable to lock the door and therefore felt unsafe. We were shocked as we have had many guests (and the odd small issue too) but alway resolved them and left the client very happy. We went back to the cottage and confirmed that the water was indeed working fine but had some air in the lines which I would have cleared in the morning if they were there or had replied to us. This corrected intself after about 30 seconds of running the water. Regarding the lock, a guest had turned the autolock feature of the smartlock off and this meant the lock would not engage. Both of these issues were very minor and easily resolved. Had the client contacted us before they left we could have easily corrected both issues within minutes.


Although we are very sorry that any issue occurred, we are not sure how to proceed as these glitches were resolved immediately but we were not given an opportunity to explain or discuss them with the client. Do we wait to see if they give us a horrible review and then reply publicly? I'm not sure arguing with a client is a good way to go. Do we send them a refund or partial refund and just move on? We are really bothered by this situation as we have committed fully to making our cottage a great vacation spot. We tried contacting them afterwards and asked them to contact us to discuss this but they have not done so yet. I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Farmington, NM

I would offer a refund, then move on. If they give a poor review, you can respond as you have explained above. Most people, however, are understanding of mechanical issues. 

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Caron17  I would not offer a refund.  They were not inconvenienced by the water and the lock was 'user error' on their part.  I would expect a negative review, although you might get lucky and they won't bother to write one.  If you instructed them to flush the taps, then you for certain should not refund them, if you didn't tell them what they needed to do about the water, you could be extremely generous and offer them a 50% refund, but that won't prevent a negative review.