VAT (IVA) on AirBNB Guest service fees in Portugal (invoice)

VAT (IVA) on AirBNB Guest service fees in Portugal (invoice)

Hi. I have an apt in Portugal that I let through airbnb. I am US resident. My portuguese accountant keeps asking me for "airbnb guest service fees detailed breakdown so it would show VAT (IVA) charged on airbnb fees". airbnb says since I am a host - I can not have it. Any thoughts? I am totally confused. Thank you

10 Replies 10
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@David8879 even if you download your transaction history you don't get the VAT paid by Airbnb broken out of the difference between gross and net earnings. I wonder if you are registered as paying VAT this would then be broken out so it can be reclaimed.

Why does your accountant need the breakdown (assuming you are not VAT registered)?

It most certainly is a mistery to me (why she needs it), up to a point where I am about to look for another accountant (which to be frank is a pain in the neck in Albufeira, Portugal).

And yes, my NIF is registered in airbnb, my lsiting in Portugal, my recieving bank in Portugal, and yes - airbnb confirmed that it does indeed pays IVA (VAT) on airbnb service fees (as it "conducts electronic business in Portugal") , but since it is a "Guest service fees" - I, as a host, am not entitled to get that detailed invoice. Losing my mind here LOL

Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@David8879  Can I assume that you have the ability to view the details of the guest payment on each reservation?  I am in the us and rent in the us, and when I get a booking, the sidebar details show what my guest has paid to me as well as the taxes and Airbnb fees and charges.  Most accountants want to ensure that your taxes are being paid, hence the request for fee information.


If the programming is the same for your overseas rentals, then the information that your accountant needs will be there, hidden in the details.  I created a spreadsheet that I enter every little item of information from the booking on, as NONE of the Airbnb reports provides complete details.  I send that spreadsheet to my accountant as often as requested for tax reporting.  He seems happy as he is able to further tally what should have been paid to my state, county and local municipality for each booking by Airbnb, especially as Airbnb does not provide the host with “we paid on your behalf” tax information.  This spreadsheet is also useful when compared to a 1099.

Dear @Lorna170 

So far your comment was the most "making sense" and helpful, much more so than "copy paste" airbnb "specialized email support".


That is the way I understand it as well.

So, since airbnb obligated to charge VAT (IVA) on its service fees (no matter what they call it - "guest" or "host" - they fall under "Electronic Services in listing country"

and airbnb help proves the same as well as email support confirmed the same (in case if airbnb will not let its own link to come through - it is article 481 of airbnb help:

Additionally, Airbnb is required to collect VAT on its service fees in countries that tax electronically supplied services. Currently, that includes all countries in the EU, Albania, Chile, Colombia, Iceland, Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Switzerland, and Uruguay. 

The problem with airbnb as you stated it - they are not providing detailed breakdown (was not able to find any "details" on that as you suggested.

So - for the sake of example, if airbnb charges 123E "guest fees" (whatever it is called - it is still "Electronic Service Charge") and in that total IVA (VAT) of 23% already included making it 100E fees + 23E IVA tax

That breakdown is the way you and I understand it, but  no matter what I do airbnb is unable to provide details for that (which is plain out WRONG) - which my super cautious and very knowledgable Portuguese Tax Accoutnant demands.


I wonder if anyone from airbnb employees read these forums and someone can address that. Airbnb is a very good platform with very few glitches (compared to other horrifc services not to be named) and their reluctance to address few glitches is puzzling 

Once you click you can't undo - this topic is definetely NOT resolved LOL

undid lol

anyone can chime in more on the subject?

Forum moderators?



Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

Hi @David8879 

Sorry to hear you've not got the help you need.


Online Community Managers aren't Customer Support and the Community Center isn't a Customer Support medium, so I'm afraid we don't have the answer for you.  Our role is to facilitate conversations between Hosts in an environment where you can all discuss what's important to Hosts, in a constructive way.


I'm going to move this post over to the "Help" board as it sees more traffic than this one, so you might get the answer from a fellow Host, and I can also give Airbnb Support a nudge to see if they can get in touch with you.  

Hopefully someone can give you the answer you're looking for.




Please follow the Community Guidelines


Hi Jenny

Thank you for your help, but I already went through "specialized email support by very smart department" and it has gotten me nowhere.

Portuguese law clearly states that "electronic services" (which airbnb provides and charges fees for no matter what they call it "guests" ot "hosts" - that is semantics) and airbnb MUST and DOES (hope so) pays VAT (IVA) on that amount.

Yes airbnb refuses to acknowledge the problem hosts were bringing up forever and which is a MUST for MY financial reporting.

But hank you for trying 

P.S. I wonder what airbnb next quarter financial results will be with this total neglect of hosts' interest - Summer release was the last straw 
