Visa application for France

Visa application for France

I have made reservation through bnb for my visit to France.

I visa application I need to provide name of hotel or name of place.

I am not sure what to write in name hotel or name of place field.

Any help is appreciated.


5 Replies 5

How about writing: "Private Apartment", then list the street address and city?

Thanka for the suggestion!!

Level 10
Bergen, Norway

@Shantanu4   you may need the booking confirmation.  If you have booked an airbnb, you can print the confirmation and enclose with the application.

Yes I am going to attach confirmation but while filling application, I need fill name of place and it is mandatory field

Level 10
Bergen, Norway

@Shantanu4  if it is a private home, it may not have a name like a hotel has a name.  I suppose you have the name of the host ?