When a host goes on vacation and is without internet...

Level 2
Bloomington, IN

When a host goes on vacation and is without internet...

Hello community.  I am going out of town for a a little over a week and will be without internet access. Is there a way to put myself on "vacation" so my response rating is not negatively effected if someone requests a stay while I am gone?  



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Vancouver, WA

Thank you!

Level 2
Tucson, AZ

Hmmm. I really do not want to not get instant books for my place (I already have the dates I will be out blocked on my calendar), I just need to have a way to be out of internet range and not have it dink my response rating... I guess if snooze is the ONLY way. Seems like people should still be able to instant book, but not be able to ask questions (inquire) until I'm back out of the forest.