If I give multiple guests pre-approval for the same dates, or even if some of the dates overlap, and one of my guests accept the pre-approval, and I then take the booking, does the pre-approval offered to the other guests automatically expire or withdrawn? Or would I need to remove the pre-approval from the other guests it was offered to.
Especially relevent to peak times like Xmas and New Year, or Easter bookings were we get MANY querries and even guests asking for special offers or to be pre-aproved, but then they don't book within the 24hr period, so any new booking requests within that 24 hours I am scared to pre-approve as I worry I will get 2 acceptances as sometimes it takes an hour or 2 to respond.
Is my understanding correct that even if I pre-approve and the guest accepts, I still need to confirm the booking? In which case if I have 2 guests accept for clashing dates I can pick the prefered guest and book and decline the other?