broken bed

Level 2
Haswell, United Kingdom

broken bed

guest broke bed, airbnb resolution site also broken, help!

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

What do you mean the resolution centre is broken @Pauline-and-Bill0?

When inputting details online the airbnb webpage has no continuation button after the reasons for the claim, together with pics, have been entered, we then get an "oops" message from airbnb. Do you have any suggestions as to how we proceed?



Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Pauline-and-Bill0


Welcome to the Community Centre!


Have you tried a different web browser by any chance? You could also try to clear the cache/cookies of your browser and see if that works?




Please follow the Community Guidelines // Volg de communityrichtlijnen

chrome has worked for over 2 years, it is still working today, when we need help the route to assistance from airbnb becomes difficult.....


Quincy, I've sent you two messages but got the usual "oops" message, it's as if airbnb don't care about helping solve problems anymore...


I'll email the "oops" message if you provide an address, I'm struggling to add it to this message

Double post - edited.