extra guests extra charges

Level 2
New South Wales, Australia

extra guests extra charges

can anyone tell me how to add additional fees for additional guests (above 2)

I have a price set but it doesnt change when i add additional guests (above 2)

listing is not yet LIVE and there does not seem to be any further options......will there be when it is "LIVE"?

I have booked properties in the past with more than 2 people and it always automatically calculates additional people charge so there must be a way?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It is set like mentioned here: https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/1507/how-do-i-add-a-fee-for-additional-guests-to-my-listing

I will calculate in the booking form when listing is published and right amount of guests is entered.

I just tried in on your listing and from the 3rd guest on the price indeed increases.

Please note you have a 20% discount special offer on firsts 3 reservations. It will also add to other  discounts (like weekly)

Best regards,


Level 2
New South Wales, Australia

@Emiel1 Thanks....yes...i got all settings once i published the listing....and that is the simple answer for all others wanting to know
