have you used pallets as bed in your airbnb ???

Level 3
Taiwan Region

have you used pallets as bed in your airbnb ???

20190731_194550.jpgi just finished remodeling one of my rooms , real cheap way , wall paper and pallets , it was a nightmare sand all the pallets and but its amazing , the smell of pine wood in

the room gives it nice touch, i already have a similar room of this style so i just duplicate it . 



2 Replies 2
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@MangoandEeg0  Very nice. Many years ago, about 50 years actually, I stayed at the coolest hotel in another part of Mexico. It was a 3 story building owned by a carpenter and his family. He had his woodworking shop and family dwelling on the ground floor, and he had built an amazing warren of rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Every room was a different size and shape- one you had to crouch down to enter the small door, as it was under a staircase. Everything was made of pine, he had built all the simple furniture himself, and his wife had sewn all the pillowcases and sheets herself out of lovely flowered cotton. The whole place felt so simple and fresh, and yes, the pine smelled wonderful.

i play around with lots of recycled stuff , also wood , its fun , i went to one airbnb here , its called pipe hotel , they bought a land and big concrete pipes for sewerage system the big one , put them next to each other and fill the back with bricks and glass door in from , inside only one double bed but mid blowing experience , real sweet place . i also try to make rooms unique but inside a building its limited in a way , i love to book unique places , once i tried tent on the roof in hong hong , also interesting , double matterace on the floor and tent on the top , also that place had sun roof otherwise you burn alive , top floor view on HK for 20 bucks