holiday weekends

holiday weekends

How can I adjust my minimum stay for a holiday weekend?  Normally I would say two-nights minimum but with July 4th weekend, I would prefer to have a three day weekend minimum.  Any suggestions?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Easily done, @Alison171.  When you go to your listing, select Calendar and More.  On the task bar you will see Availability Settings. Select Reservation Preferences and scroll past min and max to "add another requirement".  You can select several date ranges for a change in minimum night stay.

Hey Linda,

How nice of you to respond and give me the fix to my problem!!  Many thanks, Alyson

Mine would only let me change min requirements by the month. I only want the three day min for Labor Day weekend.

@Cindy95  If you follow the directions I provided you should be able to add another requirement and just add the Labor Day weekend dates.  That's what I did for a few special events where I live.