where is my guest coming from?

where is my guest coming from?

I have my first booking on Airbnb, they have been verified & have reviews. All I know is what country they are from & a mobile number. It feels weird not knowing anything else about someone staying at my property.... Is that all the information I get? I guess if there is a problem Airbnb know where to find them?

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Kerrie-And-Ross0,


Yes, that is all the information you receive.  You could always request ID when they arrive.  It would be nice if I received a copy of their verified ID though.





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

That's the whole point of AirBnB - its strangers staying in your home with you. Hotels don't even verifiy guests..

Level 3
Ringgold, GA

I usually use their name and phone number to google them...see their facebook or twitter. I feel better if I know a little about them before they arrive. 

Once I could find anything on a guy so I call Air and they did another check on him and let me know that he was good. He was one of the best guests that year.

Level 10
Redmond, WA

Unless you use Instant Book, you can always ask a potential guest. They are promted from the airbnb side when they make their profile to tell something about themselves. And when you fill out a request they recieve prompts askign them to tell the host about their trip. Never be afraid of asking a bit about guests before accepting them, this is your place!


Best of luck hosting!
