We want our home descriptions back!

We want our home descriptions back!

20 likes of a topic gets Lizzie to actually read it.  We all want our home descriptions back. We have lost all personality with this change.


SO folks, please like this and pass it around.  The subject is on a couple of boards, but not enough individual likes to work.

Level 10

@Dede0, there is no text at all. Only number of beds and the price. You still see the text once you click into the listings, but it is not there to see otherwise. You can write ON the images as a temporary cure, but host pics are missing too, everything that makes your listing stand out in your own way. Can't post a screenshot here, but I have some on another thread. Maybe you can't see it this way yet?

Level 10

@Sandra126 I was specifically commenting on a previous comment by someone who wrote "No lines between paragraphs, words scrunched together, bad font..."


You're right, though, that I'm not seeing the issue that *you* are describing. Obviously, neither was the person I responded to. It may be happening to only a small number of hosts. AirBnB frequently "rolls out" code changes to small numbers of hosts at first (to test an, if necessary, fix the code) and then later rolls it out to a wider audience.


Since this effect you're experiencing isn't really a "feature" issue, but a very bad bug, I strongly suggest that anyone affected contact AirBnB Support. Best place to start is with a DM (Direct Message) to their Twitter account

Level 10

@Dede0, it isn't a bug. I saw a presentations from the Open using the impersonal look on the screen, but not commenting on it. They were talking about trips, and this showed in the background at one point. I can't add images here so can't show you.

Level 10

@Sandra126 I guess that I really have no idea what you're talking about. By that I mean that you must be trying to describe something but I'm just not getting it. For example, when I look at your own listing, it looks quite normal to me. In the absence of adding screen captures (which can be done here, or, at least, could be a couple of montsh ago), can you describe in detail, starting from the beginning, what you're seeing?


And back to MY original comment: For those of you seeing Descriptions, etc that lack a blank line in between paragraphs, use the simple technique I mentioned to force the blank lines to appear. The problem is rooted in some very junior AirBnB coder's lack of understanding about what's called "white space". (Things like para-ends, "carriage returns", "line feeds", typed blanks, and so on.) They've currently got a really beginner error messing things up.

I am furious that Airbnb has taken away our personalised listing name overlaid on our photograph. And without consultation with hosts. This name is what separates listings from each other. Hosts choose the name to either catch the eye or more fully explain the listing. 

We have two listings, both of which don't fit into the "private room" category nor the "entire home/apartment". We need to explain this in our heading!

I can see this change by Airbnb having a serious detrimental effect on our bookings. I can only think that this was done as a money saving measure. There is absolutely no reason for this move. I am demanding Airbnb reinstate these personalised headings!


Level 10

Today, in my search anyway, I saw the pics and listing names back as they used to be. I hope it was a trial which has been reverted? I wait with baited breath in case it goes back to impersonal again. But so far, so good!

Level 10

I did  the check  too,  hoping that the listing names were back again,  but in my desktop version, they aren't back, in my telephone app,  the  listing title is not there but an indication, like: private  room + district  of the city.  I searced  in Amsterdam, my listing is in a very busy part of town, but  the room  is surprisingly quiet. That's  what I mention  in my listing name and what attracts  the  kind of guests that I want. For my listing, the surprisingly  quiet room is  the attraction, not the district name! The guests that I like try to avoid this district 😉

inserted screenshots:  first: Desktop version, second: iPhone app, 



Level 10

@Sandra126 To add illustrations: first post your message,  then  click on options -> edit Comment, only then  you can add  something. ( found this out by coincidence, it's not logical)

Level 10

As of yesterday, my description was back, although in an ugly new font as was the entire listing...I think they are now using a deep grey color which is not as eye friendly to us older farts.  

Abnb is a gigantic operation and rather young, but it really needs to get it's IT in order.


While many problems posted on these boards are caused by user error, far too many are the result of IT glitches and poor customer service. It might improve matters if Abnb had seperate help lines for IT problems, @Lizzie16

Level 10

Absolutely agree with all hosts' comments above! The current reading format is horrendous, lacks professionalism. And taking away the descriptive headings on the first airbnb city access page has to be a mistake! Just having pictures and prices is a huge step backward for this site. I've come to depend on the well-done, easily accessible host website, and am disappointed in these current changes. I want to believe that there are some big changes going on behind the scenes, and this is just a temporary side effect.