Accept only weekly reservations at first

Level 2
Lamoine, ME

Accept only weekly reservations at first

This is a tough one, but I think if resolved it could help others. We have a short season here on the coast of Maine and I would like to give the opportunity to guests who wish to rent for an entire week (only during high season) an advantage, by delaying shorter stay reservations until say, Feb 1 of the same year. Thereafter all the 3, 4, 5 and 6 day stays will be accepted. Less work for me in the summer. In the spring and fall seasons, short stay reservations are fine. Is there any way to do this besides putting in a note in my description?

2 Replies 2

You can set up minimum stay in your calendar. You can customize these settings for certain months. Also can select how far ahead you book. Just explore and you will find these options and more to optomize your changing needs. Best to you. Elaine 

OK, Thanks Elaine and Duane, I see now that I can customize lengths of stays given any time frame by just going to "availability settings" on my calendar.  I didn't know it could be altered for a specific time period. Now I have to remember to turn this back to minimum 3 days when it's time to fill in the gaps in my bookings.  Bruce