We have Instant Book turned on. If you search on our property with IB NOT selected, we come up decently in search results (using a couple other search parameters like # guests and various dates). If you do the same search with IB also selected, we don't come up at all, even when you zoom in all the way on the map. If you keep the original search going but add in IB, we literally disappear from the map. I've tested this in Chrome and FF on my laptop, as well as Safari on my phone. I'm still waiting to hear back from ABB tech support about it, and finding it super annoying we take on the "risk" of using IB and yet don't get the payoff that it works in search!
It's hard to tell when you add IB to the search since the map jumps/zooms out a bit, but I'm pretty sure other properties around us disappear as well.
Our listing: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/35164366