Availabity settings / Preparation time

Availabity settings / Preparation time

Hello fellow hosts,


I believe allowing reservations on check-out days is very inconvenient. I personally use that day for cleaning, etc.


At the moment, under 'Preparation time' we need more options e.g. "For 1 night after" to solve this issue.


It would great to have a default setting and the option the change it on a per reservation basis (overwriting the default).

Currently we are blocking the night before and after; essentially 2 days. No choice!


As it is, I don't seem to find the right combination of settings that would allow me to block only the check-out day.



4 Replies 4

@Henrique46 you aren't doing anything wrong or missing anything.

The setting for "Preparation time" only has the option for before and after.


Someone once explained mathematically why this had to be so, but I can't remember the exact logic.


Level 10
Kraków, Poland

@Henrique46 It would have to go through some voting of hosts to apply to Airbnb to change this feature. Well, the logic behind that extra day after the stay is cryptic, indeed, and doesn't make much sense.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"

I also only need one day open for preparation.
The 2 days actually cost us money.

Level 6
Arizona, United States

Blocking the day before acts as a buffer so that your calendar does not show you can take a reservation that will end on the first day of your next reservation. This setting will only block one day between back to back reservations. I hope this setting is never changed!