Blocking tel numbers and other numerical data on confirmed reservations

Blocking tel numbers and other numerical data on confirmed reservations

Recently (Jan 2019) AB have started to block our telephone number and other numerical information from messages AFTER booking confirmed.


I understand all the reasons for blocking it on pre confirmed booking messages but not after a reservation is confirmed. Telephone contact is necessary for proper communication during the arrival / check-in process eg delayed flights, problems with taxis, unable to find the location of the property, making sure the guests will be met on arrival etc.


Other numerical data being blocked includes pricing for additional services we offer to guest eg in-house dining, extra housekeeping, laundry service, car rentals and so on. 


Why is this blocking now occuring on confirmed reservations??  It must be reversed in order for us to provide full service for our guests, as we have done in the past. This kind of change to the system without warning is counter to our attempts to provide Super-Host level of customer service, and I assume others are also experiencing the problem.


Have AB issued any statement on this problem yet?

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I do not have the experience this is happening. Maybe it is a temporary glitch. You can always find the phone number of the guest in the confirmed reservation (itinerary).

Best regards,


Happy for you that you are not experiencing the problem - but we definitely are. Screen shots avaiable to confirm. Software applications do not have temporary glitches - they have bugs. Maybe its because we are in Thailand (joke). Also if we are experiencing it, we are surely not alone.


I do understand that the guests tel number is available, but this does not solve all the problems since often the guests will list a home tel and use different mobile number(s) when travelling - and anyway its counter to AB's previously stated policy on this matter and we have received no notification of a change.


I will post if/when it is fixed



Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia



Edward this could be a couple of things. It is not general because I am still seeing numerical information for guests on booking as per this screenshot I just took. This is for a booking coming up on 7th February.



Phone numbers.png

It may be a temporary glitch in your area or it may be that you need to delete your cache!

Your computer could be becoming lazy and using stored information instead of accessing all the current information each time you view a page.

Try deleting your cache and if that doesn't work get onto Airbnb. The problem you are describing is not general.




Rob - thanks for your reply and suggestions which I will certainly try. But re your screen shot - you highlight the booked guests tel number and we still see that ok. Its only in message content that the blocking is occuring....  Maybe my joke about it being because we are in Thailand was not really a joke!



 As I promised this post is to report that my problem with blocking of numerical data in messages for confirmed bookings has been fixed. As of this morning when I logged in, not only were todays messages correctly showing telephone numbers, service pricing etc, but all recent messages that previously had numerical data blocks were also un-blocked.  Magic? Coincidence?  Don't think software works by magic or coincidence, but anyway am happy that the problem is now corrected, and hope it will stay corrected !



@Edward-and-Sao0  thanks for posting that the issue is resolved 🙂