Can't respond to bookings while on vacation

Level 1
San Luis Obispo, CA

Can't respond to bookings while on vacation

I'm planning to be on vacation and out of phone/email contact for a few weeks. I've already blacked out my availability on my calendar, but what about inquiries or bookings that come in while I'm not able to get back to people? I don't want to leave a potential guest hanging, or have a ding on my host record for not responding. Is there anything like an "out of office" message I can put up temporarily? Or do I just need to block out the rest of the year to keep requests from coming in? 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Go to Manage Listing, bottom left, ''snooze listing'' (listed/unlisted/snooze).

Any guest who has already booked can see you, any new guest won't find you in searches.