Cancelling a booking without negatively impacting listing + Airbnb auto-pricing

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Cancelling a booking without negatively impacting listing + Airbnb auto-pricing

I was in the process of updating our listing from a single room to an entire home, however it was on a "live" listing and as I was in the process of adjusting the pricing I received a booking request.
I wanted to automate the pricing for a whole apartment after having selected the "entire property" option but the pricing remained the same as before. It was then that I received a booking.
I contacted the individual who made the booking and he is happy to to cancel but does not want to incur any charges. I am worried that by cancelling the booking my end this will negatively impact our listing and wonder if anyone knows if Airbnb are able to resolve by cancelling the booking, offering the customer a full refund, as well as prevent our listing from being negatively impacted?
We have garnered universally positive feedback from our guests and I am worried this mishap might negatively impact our listing just as we were preparing to advertise it as a whole apartment.
I am also having difficulty with the auto-pricing - I have had to select a set fee as the auto-pricing seemed very low compared to other comparative properties or even smaller properties in my area . I would like to use the auto-pricing function, however it went as low as £56 for the entire property (two bed / two bathroom) which is the same rate we were offering for a single room. Are you able to advise on this?
1 Reply 1
Level 8
Los Angeles, CA

If the guest cancels he will still need to pay the Airbnb 3+% fee.


If you cancel you will incur a penalty.


Best to contact Airbnb and ask them to cancel without penalty due to extenuating circumstances, and/or rebook the guest.