What hosts are saying

    I've just had an instant booking that the guest should not have been able to make. I have it set so that one night is automatically blocked between stays - always have, since I started Airbnb. But this guest is arriving the same day that the previous gu... Latest reply by Sally221
    Four almost four years now, I've rented out my lovely apartment in London's Notting Hill (W11) and now I'm looking to sell up and move to Brighton - where I want to continue my Airbnb hosting 'career' if you have anywhere to sell there! If anyone is inter... Latest reply by Guy277
    Hello Host, How seriously do you take your Airbnb listings? Is it just a hobby you put minimum effort into OR are you serious about making this an income earning business? Really would like to receive your honest replys. Latest reply by Susan17
    I have always had my own cleaner that I hired directly but the one I have had for almost a year went back to her country. I have been struggling for a month to find someone (they all want a set schedule) and so called a few services. The charge minimum $3... Latest reply by Lisa723
    When I was a new host, my first few guests were experienced ABB guests. Every one of them pulled the sheets from the bed and soiled towels and put them next to the washing machine. I figured this was standard ABB practice so I put it in my check out instr... Latest reply by Aisha0
    I reported a threatening message from a guest after I left an honest review (he was lucky to even get two stars) and Airbnb has yet to respond from the initial "tell me what happened" email four days ago. I have emailed once a day trying to followup becau... Latest reply by Julie143
    I would like to know what other hosts are doing to be able to not only meet their expenses each and every month but also make a profit. We currently live just north of Daytona Beach but have family in New England and considering buying a home (not a fixer... Latest reply by Emilia42