Confused about our view stats

Level 2
Woodbridge, United Kingdom

Confused about our view stats

I'm really confused about our stats on 'views'. We are new hosts and have been keen to track our monthly views - but these seem to change wildly. For instance, our dashboard historically recorded - July as approx 800  views, but then 439 and now 638 for July (as of Oct 2nd). Does anyone know why this might be?

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Nope - to be honest I don't take any notice of them.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Ignore - they are completely useless for anything- and they are incorrect.

Hi Tuuli, like you I have also been watching my 'views' and wondering the same thing. My only guess is there's less people searching the area and/or possibly for some reason my listing isn't always coming up on the first page.
Cheers, Emily 🙂
Level 2
Charleston, SC

It's the same as page views for a website. It's going to fluctuate based on interest in the area at that time, availability of your rental as people are searching, etc. It just means your rental came up in someones search results and they looked at it.


I just had some related confusion about "booked days" stat. The % of rentals for the month seemed off from the % displayed.


I think "booked days" actually represents days someone confirmed a rental. The rental may take place that month - or in the future. It's just tracking the action of someone confirming a rental (making a purchase) in a month as a % of views your property had in that month.


The bookings you have in the same month that were confirmed prior to that month are not included in this stat.


So, If you have 100 views in February...

AND 5 people confirmed reservations (made purchases) in February. You have a 5% "booked days" rate.

You may have a total of 8 rentals in February

That means 3 of those rentals were booked in prior months - it only tracks your "click-through/purchase" rate for that month.