Dashboard says no reservations in two months. Not even close to right!

Level 2
Salt Lake City, UT

Dashboard says no reservations in two months. Not even close to right!

The dashboard says we havn't had a reservation in months.  Yet in reality we average on the order of two to three reservations made a day across all four of my units.


It would be really nice if Airbnb could address this.  I would like to know the number of actual reservations, across a calendar, so that I can monitor how price changes, picture changes, description changes, etc affect our number of bookings.

My hands feel very tied without access to those stats.

1 Reply 1
Level 10

I've had some issues with the dashboard in the past,  I found clearing my browser cache solved the problem.


If this has been going on a long while, it's probably a bug you should report, but first try different browsers and clear cache.


is this happening in the mobile site as well as web?  if both, it's probably a data problem with your account which airbnb needs to fix.