Hi fam,,i recently moved to Portugal as a student and i have...
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Hi fam,,i recently moved to Portugal as a student and i have my Airbnb units in Nigeria. I have now been charged for VAT in P...
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-----------------Updated June 2017--------------------
An updated version of this Community Guide is now available, click here to view.
Some hosts wish to permanently delete one of their listing for several reasons which may include they sold the property, created it by mistake or they are just choosing not to rent it out any longer. If you wish to permanently remove a listing from your account, follow the instructions below.
Here is how you deactivate your listing permanently:
Log into Airbnb.com and click on "Host" and "Manage Listings".
Choose the listing you want to delete and then choose "Manage Listing and Calendar".
You can permanently deactivate your listing by going to "Basics" under the listing section of the left hand menu. The scroll down and find the red link that says "deactivate this listing".
Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host
Another excellent tutorial @Dave-and-Deb0 which I will bookmark for future use along with the one on the Resolution Center!
Hello D&D,
I deactived by mistake my listing. any idea who can I asked to recover this mistake?
It will take so much effort to make a new listing right from the beging, and all the photos I lost...
any idea?
Hi @Adva0,
I think you should contact Airbnb on this as I can not give you a definative answer on this. I know if you "cancel" your whole Airbnb account, they can reactivate it for you BUT I believe when you "Delete" a listing, it permanently deletes it.
Checkout this link if you wish to contact Airbnb: https://community.airbnb.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/Contact-Airbnb-A-How-To-Guide/m-p/16165#M728
Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host
Thank you both so much, I too had made an extra listing by mistake and now have managed finally to get it deleted/ deactivated! Cheers guys!
Hi @Dave-and-Deb0 Thanks so much for the detailed guide. I've been a host for a while and this morning accidentally created two new listings instead of one (cllicked refresh at the worng time). I now have an incomplete listing that I need to delete - all I can get are prompts to finish it, which is definitely not my intention. Any tricks as to how to fix this one?
I've tried deleting a listing I made in error. I've tried going to Basics in Manage Listings and Calendar, but it doesn't offer the option of deleting the listing. I've even uploaded a photo as someone suggested, and then trying to delete it. Any suggestions?
same problem here. tried to reach the support and the support does not answer.
thanks very much for this useful advice, Fay
Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. Unfortunately, when I follow these instructions, there isn't an option to remove the listing! The screen just says 'Next'.
So annoying. AirB&B's suggested process about how to delete (misnamed deactivate) a listing does not work. Unfortunately, I too have found when I follow the instructions, there isn't an option to remove the listing! The screen just says 'Next'.
Can you also deactivate a listing that isn't complete? Or do you have to complete the listing first before you can deactivate it?
Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host
Many thanks for your help. I found this conversation thread and it's sorted out my issue.
I wanted to delete a listing that was unfinished, so I finished it as you suggested and the only option I get now is to publish it, not to delete it. Any advice?
Thank you