Do I tell AidBnB when my guest actually checks in

Do I tell AidBnB when my guest actually checks in


I am a new host and my first guest will arrive tomorrow. What do I do next after they checked in? Do I notify AirBnB that they have checked in, so they can start the payout process?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Strathpeffer, United Kingdom

@Rowena7, no you don't need to do anything. Airbnb assumes the guest has checked in and after 24 hours will start the payout process.

Level 10
Venice, Italy

@Rowena7 good luck!

Level 3
Fresno, CA

Welcome to the airbnb community/family!  We started hosting in June and have been having a blast.  Really excited that we made superhost!  It took lots of work and paying attention to all the details even if they seemed so little and not noticed by the guests.....they do notice everything.  My husband is a team player with me in this business venture...since it really takes both of us. Now to help you with your question...airbnb sends you a email when they will issue payment.  Its usually 24 hours after the guest checks in.  Also check your stats on your dashboard and you can track you progress of payments.  Airbnb is extremely organized and precise with the bookkeeping.  Wishing you all the best and remember to have fun in all your hosting!!

Thank you thank you! @Victoria, @Claudia and @ Rose Ann. Very helpful information from you guys!

Wow @ Claudia and @ Victoria, you're Level 10?!! I feel such a new kid on the block.  


And you're right @Rose Ann, eye for details do matter. I had to check every little thing, and that actually stressed me out. Becauseof the worry that I am going to get a review for having forgotten this or that, or not scrubbing every inch well enough.


Any advice for a newcomer? What mistakes did you do when you guys were starting?