Guest has three children in reservation request, but doesn't appear in details

Level 1
Montreal, Canada

Guest has three children in reservation request, but doesn't appear in details

In my conversation with the potential guest she articulated that she will have three children with her, but in the detail section of her reservation request only one guest appears (herself). I asked her to try reserving again, and the same thing happened. Over two people I charge $18 extra per night, especially with kids. Has anyone else had this happen to a guest. Any idea how to help them?



4 Replies 4
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


if kids are more then 2 yeas old, or if you charge infants the same as kids and adults then she can just book for 4 adults.

Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom


The pricing on your listing is working fine.

Maybe 2 of your guests children are under 2 (no charge)

or she's trying to pull the wool over your eye's.

That could totally be it. I must have read it somewhere but forgotten that under 2 are not charged. What a relief. Thanks for the simple explenation. Of course, I'll find out when they get here.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Adrian314  One guest is going to have 3 children under the age of 2 with her?  I doubt it.