Guest never entered my home and left substandard review

Level 5
Petaluma, CA

Guest never entered my home and left substandard review

Bottom line up front: Why is it that a guest can leave a review of my home when the reservation was canceled before they even arrived?


Now the rest of the story: Guest did not have much experience on Airbnb. Instant booked my home for five nights in order to attend son's wedding. A week before arrival, she asked several questions about best routes to and from airport, other places to visit and stay (for other wedding guests), etc. All of these I answered cheerfully within one hour of being asked.



Then, two days before check-in, the firestorm in the North Bay began. I received a frantic note from the guest saying the wedding was in limbo. Venue was in the evacutation zone, but they were still hoping to pull it off. I reassured her with a note - don't worry, you can cancel the reservation if you need to, and I will see that you receive a full refund.


I prepared the house - spotless from top to bottom - bought wine, a vase of flowers and a congratulatory note themed to the wedding. 


Then, 2 hours before check in - another text message via Airbnb. The wedding has been moved. My guest asked to take me up on my offer to cancel, and I did so promptly. Support staff at Airbnb was very helpful, refunding their money and my cleaning fees.


Problem came later when I received a 4-star review from the customer. Their note is full of praise and gratitude, but the rating dinged me down from 5-star status, and since I only have one other review, my rating has dropped to 4.5 when everyone else near me is higher. I think this guest may not even be aware of the rating system, since she's new to Airbnb. (So am I, by the way). 


Now, I know this may sound petty, especially in light of all the suffering around here - thousands have lost their homes, and I'm carping about a 4.5 rating on Airbnb. I'm ashamed to post this, but I really went out of my way to show empathy to these guests who were clearly stressed.


And I don't think this is right. A guest shouldn't be able to rate their "stay" when they never set foot in the house.


I have asked Airbnb to remove the rating. Do they ever do this?



21 Replies 21
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Scott259  First of all, your listing is gorgeous!!  I love Petaluma.  IMO Do not try to remove this review.  It is not substandard.  It is actually glowing and probably reflects how caring and professional you were during the time leading up to the reservation. While I agree that there is a flaw in the automated system for allowing the review because the cancellation was on the same day, I think you will be rewarded because it reflects positively on you.  You only have the two reviews.


Yes, we all hope to get 5 stars.  Both hosts and guest often easily give 5 stars when not really appropriate just as others will give 4 stars as their top rating.  Do not focus on the stars!


On another note, I suggest you increase your security deposit.  You have a beautifully restored and furnished home.  Even the best guest can have accidents and you cannot count on the Host Protection for a damage claim.  As you probably know, the security deposit is not taken at the time of the booking so it should not affect your reservations.

Actually, I never knew how security deposits worked( been hosting a little less than 3 years).  THanks for that information. 

Thanks for your wisdom and kind words.


Regarding the security depost, is there a rule of thumb on the amount? I confess that I don't know much about it and therefore picked an arbitrary sum.



@Scott259  I don't know if there is a limit but here is information on security deposits.  Bear in mind, if the guest disagrees,  it is as difficult a path to take as claiming against Host Protection. I have a security deposit purely to serve as deterrent to irresponsible guests.

@Scott259  The security deposit amount is somewhat arbitrary but think about accidents that are probable, not necessarily  malicious.  What would it cost to clean a fine rug or repair/replace antiques?  I think $1000 might be a good place to start.  You could look a comparable listings to see what other hosts charge. I agree with @Ange2 about a security deposit as a deterrent.

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

If not mistaken, the ability of a person to leave a review who hasn't even stayed in (nor seen) a place, BUT cancelled on the same day was suppose to arrive, was the subject in another thread here a few months back. I also remember reading 'somewhere' that this option on the part of the guest was forced upon Airbnb by some municipalities, as part of a compromise. Needless to say, the logic behind this 'able-to-review- even-though-never-seen-the-place' made no sense then, nor now.

Level 3
Saint-Hippolyte, Canada

Something similar but worse happened to me... a guest reserved with instant book on the day of arrival and I had to cancel because I had a guest that needed to stay 2 more weeks. Airbnb advised me how to cancel and what to say BUT this first time user of Airbnb left me a 1-star rating! My work of 1.5 years as a super host was sabatoged by this person lashing out. He decribed his experience as "horrible and to stay away". He has no experience with Airbnb and has a profile picture of a frog. Airbnb is saying that his review does not violate rules. Yes that's all fine and dandy but I sure feel voilated. We open our homes, ofter much more than a hotel and are at the mercy of people who could care less about the Airbnb community and will lash out given the chance. He never came here and is allowed to give 1 star for cleanliness, value, check-in etc. I had a worse situation than this where I couldn't get a guest out who was a terror for 4 weeks, and she stole from me on the last day - I am besically being told by Airbnb to suck it up.

It's a few times now that I question if it's worth opening my home. Guests have more rights than the hosts.