Guest paying cash

Level 2
Carlton, Australia

Guest paying cash

A guest has asked that they pay me cash so as not pay Airbnb charges. Can I block them or inform Airbnb
2 Replies 2
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Delphine4  Was this request on Airbnb's message thread?  If so you should see a little flag icon next to the message.  Click on it and send your concern to Airbnb.  They will review and make a decision on whether the user's account will be termiated or not.  

If the flag icon is not next to the message, cick on the user's profile and you should see a flag icon there too. 

Level 3
Victor Harbor, Australia

Thank you Clare, I had a guest try to book my room for tomorrow saying that they have decided to stay in Colordao longer and said she wanted to pay cash for Religious Reasons Ha! I told her that I can not imagine any religion giving her the go ahead to defraud Air BnB I also told her that I was not prepared to risk losing my booking status and possible revenue so she and her boyfriend could have a few dollars off. I also would not be covered by insurance should anything happen. I have flagged her as she definitely sounded suspicious.