Guest peed all over the bathroom floor.

Level 2
Berlin, Germany

Guest peed all over the bathroom floor.

So, I woke up at 8 am and walked into our shared bathroom, the next thing I know I'm standing in urine. Our guests returned home at 4 am so I'm guessing this is a result of drinking too much. Whatever. I cleaned the mess, and my feet, and now I'm wondering what I say... Do I tell them, or do I let this ride? I really want to say something, but I would like to be as tactful as possible. I just don't like standing in other peoples urine, ya know?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Depends on how long they are in for. A long stayer, sure. Delivered in a nice way, you are a man, right? I am sure you can think of a manly way of mentioning aiming to please without offending anyone. Short stay, onward and up, bye-bye!



Sounds like a new house rule to me.


Guests may urinate in the toilet ONLY, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Level 3
Raleigh, NC

i would address it...tactfully....just the facts....with an expectation that this will not happen again. Perhaps the guest was so drunk he didn't notice his inappropriate behavior.
Now he is on notice and it is his choice to cooperate or not.If he doesn't cooperate, I would cancel his reservation.