Tamara and all,
We have had numerous wonderful guests and only two bad experiences. My husband and I are split over whether to go public with negative reviews - he thinks it is petty and would invite backlash. I think other hosts should know about nightmare guests.
The last fellow was great for six weeks, but then he left on a terrible note. The night before his departure, he partied with a friend in his room past 2am and kept our roommate awake. On his departure, he left the external doors unlocked, WITH THE FRONT DOOR WIDE OPEN when nobody was home. When my husband texted him about it, he was super apologetic. As I was out of town, I sent a similar polite text message, but got back a long, blistering tirade because he thought the second message was to guilt trip him. Yikes!
Because this fellow has shown he is hot-headed and he is a martial arts expert, my husband has visions of him coming back and pummeling us. In the other case, a young couple spent a month creating small damage all over our house and left the kitchen flooded from clogging the garbage disposal for a second time. My husband thought it would be a bad idea to say something bad publicly. because they had moved to our city, knew where we lived and had mentioned getting a lawyer (when they arrived after an indefinite delay without warning us).
In both reviews, we kept things brief and not very descriptive, including a "we would not choose to host them again" for the couple. Then we told the truth with our star ratings.
Any thoughts?