So interesting to see my pet peeve mentioned over and over in this thread....people not reading. I have a waterfront holiday beach house which is comfortable and absolute 1950s. People love the position then complain theres no wifi, only one shower (theres a clawfoot bath too) etc. We provide linen and as the house can take 12 that's a lot of bedmaking when guests leave. We have a four hour window to do a swapover and yet I have a guest saying they have to leave too early at 10am! What do I do? In summer the bookings are back to back.
This is first and foremost our family holiday house which we are happy to share when we are not there, not a hotel. Once again we will tweak the info, especially the lack of wifi, or remove it totally from Airbnb. As others have said, people have lot sight of the fact that Airbnb started off as sharing private homes rather than commercial buildings.
I find this community very reassuring when I have read a guest's criticism!
Thank you all