How do I see current future booking totals by month?

Level 1
Seattle, WA

How do I see current future booking totals by month?

Hi all. Looking to track future booking stats to budget, etc. Is there a way to track upcoming dollar amount totals by month? Right now I can see the current months' totals (total amount paid out, total amount pending, grand total) on the stats tab. Stands to reason that I should be able to do this for next month of the month after that. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks so much!



2 Replies 2
Level 2
Voluntown, CT

I have the same question! Anyone out there who can answer?

Level 2
Voluntown, CT

I figured it out, but it's not quick. If you go to your Transaction History and click on Future Transactions, you will see the Total Pending Payouts. Sort by listing, then export to csv to sort by month.